Jobs in Wind, Solar, and Energy Storage Are Booming. Is Your State Keeping Up? | Yale Climate Connections

By the end of 2023, there were over half a million jobs in wind, solar, and energy storage in the United States, according to the Department of Energy’s 2024 U.S. Energy and Employment Jobs [...]

Jobs in Wind, Solar, and Energy Storage Are Booming. Is Your State Keeping Up? | Yale Climate Connections

Clean energy jobs grew more than twice the rate of the overall economy in 2023 – and every state has its own piece of the story to tell. Just two states hold one-third of the jobs in clean [...]

Tax Credit Transfer Rules Shift Solar Development Strategies | Solar Builder

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) altered the landscape for the transferability of energy tax credits, specifically with the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). These changes have led to a change in how [...]