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Case Study: 60% Reduction in Corrective Maintenance Costs

We have seen a 60% reduction in corrective maintenance costs for assets under Omnidian management solely through reduction of onsite service visits needed.
Sean Swentek by Sean Swentek Decrease Costs 1 min

We reviewed the corrective maintenance service visits for 1,341 commercial assets, totaling 573MW and with a median asset size of 181kW. On average, this set of assets received 2.37 service visits per MW at an average actual cost of $958 per visit during the 2022 calendar year.

When we compare this against the industry average of 6 truck rolls per MW, we see a 60% reduction in corrective maintenance costs for assets under Omnidian management solely through reduction of onsite service visits needed. This is due, in large part, to our AI-powered technology—working in sync with our expert team—that allows us to remotely diagnose issues and reduce diagnostic truck rolls.

This equates to a savings of $3,325 per MW annually.

Case Study Stats

Asset Count: 1,341 commercial systems
Total Size: 573 MW
Timeframe: 1/1/2022–12/31/2022
Total Corrective Truck Rolls: 1,356
Corrective Truck Rolls per MW: 2.37
Average Cost per Truck Roll: $958.47

Remote Diagnosis

Using our proprietary technology to analyze the root cause of issues allows us to filter out temporary conditions and alerts that don’t require intervention, resolve real issues faster, and reduce diagnostic visits.

Cost Savings Analysis
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